Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Novel Study

7th graders have started their first novel study for the school year.  This week starts a multi-week study of a novel by Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear.  

Touching Spirit Bear
The story explores a young boy's journey through a Native American concept of Circle Justice after repeated criminal activity.  Sent to a remote island in Alaska to live in isolation for a year, Cole Matthews soon has a run-in with a large white bear, a spirit bear according to the native Tlingit elder.  Facing certain death after being mauled by this bear, Cole must change his ways in order to reenter society and make amends for his crimes.

Most of the reading will be done during class time as a part of the class study.  Daily work with the novel will be completed in student journals, as well as writing assignments towards the end of the unit.  A mid-novel quiz can be expected in two weeks time.