Wednesday, September 26, 2012

7th- TSB Part One Quiz

Are you ready for the quiz?  If not, read and answer the following review questions to help you be more prepared! 

Touching Spirit Bear
Part One: Review Questions
Chapter 1-2
1. Who is Garvey?
2. Who is Edwin?
Chapter 3
1. Think back to Garvey's statement in the first chapter that "Something terrible has happened to you to make you want to kill a poor, small animal.:  Then look at the list of the "ingredients" of Cole's life on page 30.  How do these connect?
2.  Who is allowed to be at Cole's Circle?
3.  Why is it important for Peter to forgive Cole?
Chapter 4
1.  Why is it significant that Cole gives a threatening look to Peter at the beginning of the Circle?
2.  According to the Keeper, what is the point of the Circle, and why does regular justice often fail?
Chapter 5
1. For the first time, Cole admits that he made a mistake.  What was the mistake?
2. Describe Cole's first encounter with what appears to be Spirit Bear.
3. Review the four comments make about Cole at the Circle on page 46.  Which comments do you agree with?  Which ones do you disagree with?  Justify your answer
Chapter 6
1.  What does Cole accuse his father of in the Circle?  How does his father respond?
2.  Why do you think Cole's mother did not tell the Circle how his father would beat up on him?
3. When the Keeper asks Peter what needs to be done to make things better, he responds by saying, "I think someone should smash Cole's head against a sidewalk so he know how it feels."  Do you think Cole already knows how this might feel?  Why or why not?
4.  Garvey discusses some of the reasons that isolation works to help heal a criminal.  What are these reasons?
Chapter 7
1.  Cole plans on escaping the island, yet still attempts to kill the Spirit Bear.  What does this say about Cole, and his respect for life?
2.  As Cole inches toward the Spirit Bear, he stops, looks around, and becomes aware that nobody is watching and he could easily back away.  What compels him to keep approaching?
Chapter 8
1.  As Cole lays bleeding, he thinks to himself, "What end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn't have brains enough to run away."  Has Cole realized his responsibility for what has happened?
2.  Cole states he would rather be in a prison cell than on the island.  What are his reasons?
3.  What does Cole's crushing of the caterpillar indicate about his personality, even in his beaten state?
Chapter 9:
1.  What happens to the tree with the sparrow's nest during the storm?  Why do you think Cole calls out to see if the baby sparrows are okay?
Chapter 10:
1. Cole notices that the baby sparrows tried to do something before their death.  What was it?  How does Cole relate this to his experience growing up?
2. Cole begins to think about the circle of life.  What is this circle, according to Cole, and how does he feel about his role in it?
3.  Cole thinks,"The power to choose was the real power, not the fake power of making others afraid."  Explain this statement.  (Answer this will help you later on. Hint. Hint.)
4.What does Cole catch to eat at the end of this chapter?
Chapter 11:
1. What are some of the things that Cole Does to survive? Be specific.
Chapter 12
1. When Spirit Bear comes back, why do you think Cole choose not to spit on him, but instead touch him?
2.  How does Cole feel about death?
3.  What do Edwin and Garvey do with Cole?
4.  When Cole says that he's okay, what does he mean by this?