7th Grade Language Arts
This week the students will be writing a poem about their lives and then creating a collage to visually display the important things from their life.
Each student will write 6 stanzas about items and people that are important to them.
The 6 topics that we will work on during class are the following:
1. Items found around your home:
2. Items found in your yard:
3. Items found in your neighborhood:
4. Names of relatives:
5. Sayings:
6. Names of foods and dishes from family gatherings:
7. Names of places you keep your childhood memories:
If students struggle with ideas, they can also choose one of the following options:
* Vacations
* Sports/Activities
* Pets
Monday: Students will brainstorm lists of items that fit into each of these categories.
Tuesday: Students will revise their lists by adding additional description to the items.
Wednesday: They will be writing a rough draft of their poem and some may begin to type their poem in the computer lab. REMEMBER TO BRING A FLASH DRIVE!
Thursday: Finish typing and begin collage. Bring scissors and glue to class!
Friday: Finish collage.
*****Poem and Collage will be due Monday at the beginning of class.
The following is an example of a completed poem by Ms. Chambers...
I am From...Ms. Chambers
I am from dirty and clean clothes piled high,
old tin coffee cans ready for a game,
glamorous My Little Ponies,
and injured stuffed animals ready for repair.
I am from a homemade slip 'n slide as fast as lightening,
prancing horses dancing in the field,
stacks of hay in the loft,
and bicycles tossed in the middle of play.
I am from curving creeks and still ponds,
meowing kittens,
hidden forts,
watchful neighbor eyes,
and the house we swore was haunted.
I am from Mom's apple pie,
German pancakes dripping with warm maple syrup,
creamy fruit salad on a summer day,
and watching Aunt Donna swallow wiggling fish whole.
I am from "Be Careful!" on playful summer nights,
playing "Kick the Can" until the moon was our only light.
"Ollie Ollie Ox and Free was the sound that sent us home,
to a thousand "I love you's" blessing the night.
I am from millions of memories that I hold on tight,
trapped in loving arms in a box my mom painted.
The barn walls speak words that I can only hear,
sending me back to all of the treasured memories,
that I hold so dear.