Wednesday, September 26, 2012

7th- TSB Part One Quiz

Are you ready for the quiz?  If not, read and answer the following review questions to help you be more prepared! 

Touching Spirit Bear
Part One: Review Questions
Chapter 1-2
1. Who is Garvey?
2. Who is Edwin?
Chapter 3
1. Think back to Garvey's statement in the first chapter that "Something terrible has happened to you to make you want to kill a poor, small animal.:  Then look at the list of the "ingredients" of Cole's life on page 30.  How do these connect?
2.  Who is allowed to be at Cole's Circle?
3.  Why is it important for Peter to forgive Cole?
Chapter 4
1.  Why is it significant that Cole gives a threatening look to Peter at the beginning of the Circle?
2.  According to the Keeper, what is the point of the Circle, and why does regular justice often fail?
Chapter 5
1. For the first time, Cole admits that he made a mistake.  What was the mistake?
2. Describe Cole's first encounter with what appears to be Spirit Bear.
3. Review the four comments make about Cole at the Circle on page 46.  Which comments do you agree with?  Which ones do you disagree with?  Justify your answer
Chapter 6
1.  What does Cole accuse his father of in the Circle?  How does his father respond?
2.  Why do you think Cole's mother did not tell the Circle how his father would beat up on him?
3. When the Keeper asks Peter what needs to be done to make things better, he responds by saying, "I think someone should smash Cole's head against a sidewalk so he know how it feels."  Do you think Cole already knows how this might feel?  Why or why not?
4.  Garvey discusses some of the reasons that isolation works to help heal a criminal.  What are these reasons?
Chapter 7
1.  Cole plans on escaping the island, yet still attempts to kill the Spirit Bear.  What does this say about Cole, and his respect for life?
2.  As Cole inches toward the Spirit Bear, he stops, looks around, and becomes aware that nobody is watching and he could easily back away.  What compels him to keep approaching?
Chapter 8
1.  As Cole lays bleeding, he thinks to himself, "What end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn't have brains enough to run away."  Has Cole realized his responsibility for what has happened?
2.  Cole states he would rather be in a prison cell than on the island.  What are his reasons?
3.  What does Cole's crushing of the caterpillar indicate about his personality, even in his beaten state?
Chapter 9:
1.  What happens to the tree with the sparrow's nest during the storm?  Why do you think Cole calls out to see if the baby sparrows are okay?
Chapter 10:
1. Cole notices that the baby sparrows tried to do something before their death.  What was it?  How does Cole relate this to his experience growing up?
2. Cole begins to think about the circle of life.  What is this circle, according to Cole, and how does he feel about his role in it?
3.  Cole thinks,"The power to choose was the real power, not the fake power of making others afraid."  Explain this statement.  (Answer this will help you later on. Hint. Hint.)
4.What does Cole catch to eat at the end of this chapter?
Chapter 11:
1. What are some of the things that Cole Does to survive? Be specific.
Chapter 12
1. When Spirit Bear comes back, why do you think Cole choose not to spit on him, but instead touch him?
2.  How does Cole feel about death?
3.  What do Edwin and Garvey do with Cole?
4.  When Cole says that he's okay, what does he mean by this?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

8th- Coming of Age


We are currently in our second week of our Coming of Age unit. During this time, students are being introduced to the conceptual focus of the year, “coming of age.” While reading a variety of texts (short stories, poems, lyrics) students are interacting with characters who are experiencing self-defining incidents. We are modeling and practicing analysis, interpretation, and discussion of texts as well as creating and presenting original works that express personal connections to the ideas of identity and coming of age.  Students will be using contemporary lyrics during the next week, so they should be looking for lyrics that are meaningful and school appropriate.  Please encourage them to look for "radio-edit" versions of their songs.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday 9/20

Everyone did really well on the quiz today!!  
Mostly A's and B's!  Great job!

I put the first set of language arts grades into the online gradebook.  These were all considered "life Skills" grades; the scores were based on completion, completeness, and timeliness.  "Life Skills" count for 10% of the overall grade.  We won't have any "Target" scores for another couple of weeks as we are still practicing the larger skills in class.  Once we do, those scores will count for 90% of the overall grade.  I'll go over the scores with the students on Friday, so they should be able to answer any questions you might have as you look at their scores together this weekend. 

If you still need your user name and password, you can call the office.  They are also being mailed home soon!  There is a link on the main 6th grade blog to get to the Parent Assist website.

If you see a zero on your child's grade for my class, please encourage them to stay after school and get help to complete the assignment/quiz.  This Friday I'll be available until 3:45 PM when the late bus leaves.  I'll be making sure all the students know this.  Everyday a sign is posted on the whiteboard so the students know they can stay late after school in my room to get help. 
Red = sorry, I have a meeting    green = yes, please stay!    Also, adult help is available in the library everyday after school until the late bus.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Novel Study

7th graders have started their first novel study for the school year.  This week starts a multi-week study of a novel by Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear.  

Touching Spirit Bear
The story explores a young boy's journey through a Native American concept of Circle Justice after repeated criminal activity.  Sent to a remote island in Alaska to live in isolation for a year, Cole Matthews soon has a run-in with a large white bear, a spirit bear according to the native Tlingit elder.  Facing certain death after being mauled by this bear, Cole must change his ways in order to reenter society and make amends for his crimes.

Most of the reading will be done during class time as a part of the class study.  Daily work with the novel will be completed in student journals, as well as writing assignments towards the end of the unit.  A mid-novel quiz can be expected in two weeks time.

Monday, September 10, 2012

7th: I am from Poem

7th Grade Language Arts

This week the students will be writing a poem about their lives and then creating a collage to visually display the important things from their life.

Each student will write 6 stanzas about items and people that are important to them.
The 6 topics that we will work on during class are the following:

1. Items found around your home:
2. Items found in your yard:
3. Items found in your neighborhood:
4. Names of relatives:
5. Sayings:

6. Names of foods and dishes from family gatherings:
7. Names of places you keep your childhood memories:

If students struggle with ideas, they can also choose one of the following options:
* Vacations
* Sports/Activities
* Pets

Monday: Students will brainstorm lists of items that fit into each of these categories.
Tuesday: Students will revise their lists by adding additional description to the items.
Wednesday: They will be writing a rough draft of their poem and some may begin to type their poem in the           computer lab.  REMEMBER TO BRING A FLASH DRIVE!
Thursday:  Finish typing and begin collage. Bring scissors and glue to class!
Friday:  Finish collage.
*****Poem and Collage will be due Monday at the beginning of class.

The following is an example of a completed poem by Ms. Chambers...

I am From...Ms. Chambers

I am from dirty and clean clothes piled high,
old tin coffee cans ready for a game,
glamorous My Little Ponies, 
and injured stuffed animals ready for repair.

I am from a homemade slip 'n slide as fast as lightening,
prancing horses dancing in the field,
stacks of hay in the loft, 
and bicycles tossed in the middle of play.

I am from curving creeks and still ponds,
meowing kittens,
hidden forts,
watchful neighbor eyes,
and the house we swore was haunted.

I am from Mom's apple pie,
German pancakes dripping with warm maple syrup,
creamy fruit salad on a summer day,
and watching Aunt Donna swallow wiggling fish whole.

I am from "Be Careful!" on playful summer nights,
playing "Kick the Can" until the moon was our only light.
"Ollie Ollie Ox and Free was the sound that sent us home,
to a thousand "I love you's" blessing the night.

I am from millions of memories that I hold on tight,
trapped in loving arms in a box my mom painted.
The barn walls speak words that I can only hear, 
sending me back to all of the treasured memories,
that I hold so dear.

8th My Singular Wish

8th Grade Language Arts

During the first full week of school the students will be creating a person.  This person will be more than just a name...they will be designing the WHOLE person.  The students will be using their LA notebook(composition book or spiral) for the assignment notes.

Monday, September 10

Sketch Time...We started this today in class.
1.  Divide paper into 9 sections
2. Thumbnail Drawings: Don't worry about it, just draw.
*Draw 9 different people
*Write a singular wish for each person.
Homework: Complete the sketches and statements for each character.

Tuesday, September 11
1. Choose your favorite drawing and wish. Circle it.
2. Check your Singular Wish:
*Is it a complete sentence?
*Does it make sense? Have you added details?

Students will begin drawing their characters today in class and be expected to finish during class tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 12
Finish character poster for "My Singular Wish."
Due:  Posters are due at the end of class, Wednesday, September 12.

Grading: Students will be graded on the following targets.
  I have taken time and effort to develop work that has a professional appearance (simple, but neat illustrations, straight lines, typed or nicely printed, black lined text).

I have not taken time and effort to develop work that has a professional appearance (simple, but neat illustrations, straight lines, typed or nicely printed, black lined text).

I have taken time and effort to develop work that has a somewhat professional appearance (simple, but neat illustrations, straight lines, typed or nicely printed, black lined text).

I have taken time and effort to develop work that has a professional appearance (simple, but neat illustrations, straight lines, typed or nicely printed, black lined text).
I have taken time and effort to develop work that has an extremely professional appearance (simple, but neat illustrations, straight lines, typed or nicely printed, black lined text).

I use correct conventions in my writing.
I did not edit my writing.
I have frequent convention mistakes in my writing.
I have many convention mistakes in my writing.
I use correct conventions in my writing.
I use correct convention in my writing, even with especially difficult words and punctuation.