CHALLENGE: Plan your own Utopia and present it in the form of a travel guide.
BRAINSTORM: What is important for others to know about your society?
Group 1 (Choose 4):
- Beliefs
- Gender Roles
- Rules/Laws
- Education
- Rights of Individuals
- Type of Government
- Treatment of Various Age Groups
- Family Structure
- Way in which professions are chosen
- Crime Rate and Punishment for Crimes
Group 2 (Choose 2):
- Dining
- Maps
- Sightseeing
- Free Time
- Arts and Entertainment
- Average Climate
- Medical Facilities
- Manner of Dressing
- Creating Families
- Available Transportation
- Parks and Recreation Facilities
- Calendar of Events
- Entertainment
- Celebrations and Rituals
STEP 1: Choose 6 characteristics of your ideal community:
Characteristics from Group 1:
Characteristics from Group 2:
Group 3 (Your Choice): ______________________
Initials _______
Step 2:
Students received time in class to brainstorm ideas about each of their characteristics. They were asked to list 5-6 details about how each characteristic is represented in your society.