Everyone did really well on the quiz today!!
Mostly A's and B's! Great job!
I put the first set of language arts grades into the online gradebook. These were all considered "life Skills" grades; the scores were based on completion, completeness, and timeliness. "Life Skills" count for 10% of the overall grade. We won't have any "Target" scores for another couple of weeks as we are still practicing the larger skills in class. Once we do, those scores will count for 90% of the overall grade. I'll go over the scores with the students on Friday, so they should be able to answer any questions you might have as you look at their scores together this weekend.
If you still need your user name and password, you can call the office. They are also being mailed home soon! There is a link on the main 6th grade blog to get to the Parent Assist website.
If you see a zero on your child's grade for my class, please encourage them to stay after school and get help to complete the assignment/quiz. This Friday I'll be available until 3:45 PM when the late bus leaves. I'll be making sure all the students know this. Everyday a sign is posted on the whiteboard so the students know they can stay late after school in my room to get help.
Red = sorry, I have a meeting green = yes, please stay! Also, adult help is available in the library everyday after school until the late bus.